São José

São José

segunda-feira, 10 de março de 2025

A leader who is highly regarded and known in the world will have to fight against the powerful of some nations who do not want peace.


A major pandemic is underway, viruses are already in the air and are affecting humans.

Carbonia 07.03.2025

A major pandemic is underway, viruses are already in the air and are affecting humans.

My beloved daughter, spread these messages to My beloved people, let My children know My commandments and keep them.

My children, know how to understand the moment you are living in, the Earth will not be long in stopping its rotation.

I thunder My Love to all of you who do not want to listen to Me, oh men, who still believe that everything is temporary, but in truth, in truth I tell you: you are at the end of an earthly cycle, the time given to you for your conversion is about to end, I will grant a few more days of grace and then I will put an end to this demonic farce, I am tired of waiting for the conversion of men, My tears are infinite for the loss of many children, but I cannot also lose those who await Me and follow Me in faithfulness and true love.

I am a jealous God, I dare to repeat to you that I created you to be Mine and not to share you , I love My creature infinitely and desire his obedience and his return to Me.

My Project is nearing completion:… I warn you, oh men, you are about to be overwhelmed by a vortex of evil, do not be foolish, take steps to return to Him who created you and is waiting so long to embrace you again and give you of Himself, to make you participants in His All.

The Universe is waiting to make itself known in the wonders created by God, the Most Perfect Being. His every desire has been expressed out of love for His children, do not lose yourselves in the deceptions of Satan, his aim is to tear you away from your God of Love, from your Creator, from the one and only true God!

Come and savor Love! …Be reasonable, children, you are not eternal here on earth, but you will be in Me if you convert to Me.

My beloved creatures, the wind blows strong: destruction and suffering are coming upon this Humanity far from its Creator. Turn your heart to Me, do not let yourselves be dragged to Hell where weeping and gnashing of teeth will be upon you. Do not blaspheme your God, but bless His Love for you and follow Him to be worthy of Him.

A great pandemic is underway, viruses are already in the air and are affecting men. My children, Heaven has given natural remedies for this evil, be interested in knowing them. Follow My advice and prepare these ointments, syrups and creams for your health. Do not mock these appeals of Mine but provide to follow them urgently.

A leader who is highly regarded and known in the world will have to fight against the powerful of some nations who do not want peace.

The iniquitous man will ascend the throne of Peter, anticipating his time, but I will stand before Him and will put him out of action. Enough!

I long for My children in My Kingdom, in the dimension of perfect Love.

Go in peace, oh all ye who follow Me, for behold I am about to begin My Justice! Amen!