November 2, 2012 (All Souls Day)
St. John the Baptist Church, Costa Mesa, California, at 9:25am
since the Father of all mankind designed the nature of the reality that
you cherish here on Earth, He based the creation of all of you on a
sound and irrefutable principle of the Universe and that principle is
the basis for all reality here on Earth. The one principle that is the
defining and guiding principle for all of you is the principle of life.
Life, itself, is the essence of what you are in that without life you
would not exist.
The gift of life from the Father in Heaven is absolute and without change or redefinition.
is it about mankind’s existence today in a world that has become so far
removed from the Creator of all that there is that you refuse to accept
the principle of life in your daily affairs?
separates you from the Father in Heaven, as well as from the Son and
Redeemer of the world, is the inability of mankind to accept and
understand the very basic concept of the meaning of all life, and in
your circumstances, the value of any and all human life.
I reach out to you in any clearer terms than to express to you the
importance of life as the defining principle of all of humanity?
humanity exist without life? Of course not, you would say. Then how is
it that the world collectively, and God’s people individually have come
to an acceptance that life has little or no meaning and that any life
can be terminated by you as a matter of choice?
How is it that mankind has fallen so far from the graces of God?
is only one single and solitary reason for the fall of mankind and that
is the journey that you have taken as a civilization that has brought
you to a point in your world that human life has become disposable by
the hand of man, as opposed to how you were created. It is only the
Creator who has the authority to terminate life at any stage of life.
is only one reason also why this failure to recognize the value of life
has permeated mankind. The evil one, my enemy and your enemy, has
permeated your culture and has insinuated into your belief systems a
flagrant disregard for the value of human life.
your governments, your institutions, and even in your schools of
learning, the evil one has insinuated himself and his evil deeds into
your systems of knowledge, so that many of you have fallen asleep to the
reality that all life is sacred and is a gift from the Father in
may ask why is it that terrible things are happening in your world in
these times, and I say to you that all of the ills of mankind that are
befalling upon you in these times are because of the flagrant disregard
of mankind for the value of human life.
a civilization, you have a responsibility now to change the direction
of the future of the world by transforming the world from a culture of
death to a culture of life that respects all life from the moment of
conception to the termination of natural life that you call death. Only
by recognizing the principle of life in all of your affairs can you
restore a sense of morality and order to a world that is now engaged in
through your prayers and your commitment to all life can you expect to
see that the world will become a better place for all mankind by
restoring the sanctity of life to your civilization that has fallen so
far from the path that has been ordained for you by the Father in
come to you as the Son of the Father, the Redeemer of the world, the
Second Person of the Holy Trinity, and I speak to you with the highest
authority that all of you must heed the importance of recognizing the
sanctity of life, if you are to return to the plan of the Father in
Heaven that will necessarily bring about a loving future for all of
So be it!
Message ended 9:46am
Jesus The Redeemer