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November 6, 2020 @ 1:00pm –

St Rosalie’s Eucharistic Chapel, Hampton Bays, New York

St Michael Archangel – A Message to the People of the United States of America

I come to you today as Michael the Archangel and as Spiritual Protector of the United States of America.

Today, in the United States, you are in a deep spiritual crisis that was fomented over a century ago when the demonic forces of the globalist occult secret societies established a firm grip on your nation. Since then, you have been in a constant battle of Good versus Evil on your earthly plane, and I have been waging a battle against the dark forces of the evil one on the spiritual plane.

Unfortunately, we are headed into a dark winter for the United States, for the evil one has marshaled his evil minions to further subvert the nationality and sovereignty of your nation and to further subjugate all of you in the United States to a globalist new world order that is intended to further enslave you.

The machinations of your elections by the evil one should send a loud and clear signal to all of you that indeed this is the Final Battle to be waged against the evil one. Many of you have been valiantly answering the call to rise up against the forces of evil of the new world order. However, it appears that your intentions and goals have fallen short, and the evil one intends to fully take advantage of the weakness that he sees in your country now.